Ultimate Outdoors is an action-packed half-hour documentary series that follows the true adventures of its host, master outdoorsman Eddie Brochin. Episodes include bow hunting for large game, saltwater sport fishing & fly fishing.
On the cutting edge, the show’s cinematic approach gives a whole new look and feel to the outdoor genre, capturing wild America from coastal Florida to Lake Michigan to rough-and-tumble ranch country in Texas.
Join host Eddie Brochin and members of the Ultimate Outdoors pro staff as they travel the country in pursuit of outdoor adventure. Every show is as unique as its host. Eddie Brochin is a master outdoorsman, providing service to the public as a professional hunting and fishing guide. He pursues his quarry with traditional bowhunting equipment and his latest addition to the Ultimate Outdoors pro staff, a red-tailed hawk named “Maverick.” Whether you are a beginning enthusiast or a serious sportsman, this show is for you. “Reality Is Wild.”
Visit Show WebsiteCheck the schedule below to see when Ultimate Outdoors is airing this month.