The Santee Cooper Sportsmen is a television show produced by Joywater Outdoor Productions, owned by Kevin Davis. SCSTV strives to provide it’s viewers clean and wholesome fun in the outdoors while focusing on God’s wonderful and exciting creation.
A professional guide since 1996 and co-owner of Blacks Camp since 1998, Kevin is still as passionate about fishing and hunting as when he first started at a young age. He makes a living totally from fishing and hunting and lives a life that most people would give anything to have. Kevin is truly a blessed man, having a wonderful family and a great business. A wonderful wife, Hazel Lee Davis, two great children, Anna Lee and Gary. Kevin and family love The Lord and do their best to live lives that are worthy of disciples of Jesus Christ.
Passionate about promoting The Santee Cooper Lakes area and the five counties that surround the lakes, Kevin is always looking for ways to promote these great lakes. If you know of anything noteworthy happening around the lakes, please contact Kevin with ideas. Kevin will be happy to film with you and or talk about ways to promote wildlife conservation in Santee Cooper Country, the best place in the world!
Visit Show WebsiteCheck the schedule below to see when Santee Cooper Sportsmen is airing this month.