Reaching kids with the Alliance For The Unreached

International (MNN) — In the next few decades, Africa’s population will more than double in size, and more than half of that new number will be children under the age of 14.

At least eight of out every ten kids who hear and understand the Gospel choose to follow Christ.

It’s that combination of statistics that drives Zimzam Global to train leaders and church planters to bring the truth of Christ to children on a global scale “Our goal is to provide a church for every child around the world,” says Dave Meyers, President of Zimzam.

Meyers believes it’s especially important to reach kids in traditionally vulnerable areas of the world. In areas of North Africa, for example, “It’s really a race of who’s going to get to those kids first,” Meyers said. “Is it going to be that radicalized ideology or is it going to be the truth of the one true God capturing the hearts of these kids?”

Photo courtesy of Zimzam Global

Additionally, he says,“If you don’t go younger in your Great Commission strategy you will miss the majority of the Great Commission population.”

But it’s a daunting task for a relatively new ministry to tackle alone. That’s why Zimzam Global is teaming up with the Alliance For The Unreached — the group of organizations behind the International Day for the Unreached — to maximize their impact. “This opportunity is so significant, so important that we need to align together to really see the Great Commission fulfilled and see these people groups have the opportunity to know love and serve Jesus Christ,” Meyers said.

In many of the areas the Alliance targets, kids are looking for answers, and Meyers hopes Zimzam can partner with others to provide those answers.

“Statistics prove that if you give a child a chance, they’ll believe,” Meyers said. “I think they’re some of the greatest influencers in a community.”

If you want to join the movement of the Alliance For The Unreached, your help goes a long way. You can spread the news of organizations like Zimzam Global, reach out to neighbors for support, financially support the work of on-the-ground partners, and, above all else, pray.

Photo Courtesy Zimzam Global

“I think we have a responsibility as believers and followers of Christ, with Jesus himself living inside us as the Holy Spirit,” Meyers said. “He is the lover of children and so we need to line up already with what Jesus has modeled for us and be a part of what He sees as significant.”