MAF invites you to join their Worldwide Day of Prayer

International (MNN) — Tomorrow, April 5th is Mission Aviation Fellowship’s Worldwide Day of Prayer, and they’re asking if you would join them! Mission Aviation Fellowship is an aviation ministry that flies over 1,500 Christian outreach and humanitarian ministries into isolated regions.

(Photo courtesy of Paul O’Brien with MAF)

Brad Westom with MAF’s Spiritual Enrichment Team explains what MAF’s Worldwide Day of Prayer is all about.

“All of our programs overseas, including MAF International, we all stop what we’re doing. We take a half-day and we share prayer requests with each other and we pray for each other and pray for our work and safety and the Lord’s ministry, the Kingdom advance. That’s what the day is, and we’re all praying together even in different places.”

For any Christian ministry pursuing the advance of the Great Commission, prayer is a major force behind the Kingdom work. But why dedicate an entire day for an organization to have a Worldwide Day of Prayer?

(Photo courtesy of MAF)

To put it simply, says Westom, “We’re all busy. Taking that time to pray together kind of helps us remember why we’re so busy and why we’re overseas doing the things we’re doing. This is really about God’s Kingdom work, but it’s easy to get lost kind of in the details and the busyness of life and forget that. So this helps us refocus. There’s just amazing power when people pray together in groups and corporate prayer, so that’s a second reason for us to do that. And third, it’s just a great time for us to share stories from all around the world, where we’re normally focused on our little program in our country in our part of the world. We get to hear what’s going on in other places and get to pray for our brothers and sisters who are serving God in different places.”

If you’d like to join forces with MAF in prayer tomorrow, mark a reminder for MAF’s Worldwide Day of Prayer on April 5th. Here are a few things Westom shares that you can pray for:

Aviation Safety – “I would pray for safety in our flight operations, in our maintenance, and everything to do with airplanes.”
International Relationships – “The world is changing, as everyone knows, so pray for continued favor and good relationship with the government entities that we work with so we can operate as a legal entity in a lot of the countries we serve.”
Ministry Stamina – “Pray for strength and health.”
Intimacy with God – “Pray for our staff, that they would really maintain and grow in their intimacy with God. I believe it’s out of that intimacy with God where the ministry really happens with other people, so if our people get busy and forget their quiet time or their own personal prayer time — which again, is pretty common with everybody I think — then the ministry impact diminishes. So pray for our individual people, that they can guard that intimacy with God.”

Click here to learn more about Mission Aviation Fellowship and their unique ministry!