Create art to tell the Persecuted Church’s story

Canada (MNN) — In case you haven’t heard, Voice of the Martyrs Canada is calling all artists in Canada to show their talent in their Visual Arts Contest.
A Contest for Creatives
(Photo courtesy of VOMC via Facebook)

The topic of creation for this art contest is the story of the Persecuted Church.

“We have a theme verse here at Voice of the Martyrs, and it’s Hebrews 13:3. And it says that we should remember those imprisoned as if we were together with them in prison and are being mistreated as if we ourselves are suffering,” Voice of the Martyrs Canada’s Vanessa Brobbel shares.

“And so this contest comes out of that verse and wanting to be a valuable visual voice, telling the story of the persecuted through Hebrews 13:3.”

Individuals aged 13 and up can submit their work at by March 30, 2017. However, submissions will be broken down into two groups. One group for 13 to 19-year-olds and another for 20-years-old and up.

Submissions are limited to paintings, drawings, and sculptures, essentially the types of art which can be displayed in VOMC’s monthly newsletter. Furthermore, the top three submissions will each receive a prize. The first place award is an “I am N” Curriculum kit, a cash prize, and an interview feature in VOMC’s June newsletter.

In all honesty, though, why art?

“Elisabeth Elliot, she was the wife of martyred missionary Jim Elliot, she said, ‘Faith has to be exercised in the midst of ordinary, down-to-earth living,’” Brobbel explains.

“As an artist myself, I’m always wrestling with how to impact the Kingdom of God with this gift God gave me, even though I’m just an ordinary artist. But I also don’t want to be that servant who’s buried his talent in the ground. And this contest provides an opportunity for artists to impact the Kingdom of God with that gift.”
Visual Expression
Art is an excellent way to visually express and communicate the needs of the Church and the voiceless. And not only is Canada a visual culture, but God has also chosen many times in Scripture to reveal Himself and to teach His people through visual mediums — for example, creation, tabernacles in the Old Testament, and even Jesus on the Cross. God created humans to be visual beings.

“This contest endeavors to prime the creative pump while being a voice for the voiceless. We’re hoping that stories of the Persecuted Church would be woven through these visual application ideas,” Brobbel says.

VOMC ultimately hopes this contest will help Canadian Christians — and even believers around the world — remember their persecuted brothers and sisters in Christ. The ministry also hopes for the contest to inspire Christians to pray for and partner with their persecuted family.

So whether you’re planning to submit your work or not, please pray for the Persecuted Church to be the light and salt of the earth right where God has called them. Pray for their strength, their courage, and their faith as they endure persecution. And finally, pray for their hearts as they endure the loss of relationships as a part of the costs of following Jesus.

To learn more about the Visual Arts Contest, click here!

For more ways to pray, click here!

All entries need to be submitted to by March 30, 2017.