“Larry’s Country Diner,” the wholesome, down-home, nationally-broadcasted variety show known for its spontaneity, impromptu dialogue and live-to-tape performances by the best country music artists of yesterday and today, had a surprise guest on set the morning of December 3, 2012. Larry Black, known for telling his famed guests, “Once the tape starts rolling, it’s not stopping—you get yourself in trouble, get yourself out,” found the tables turned with an unexpected, on-set visit by Tennessee State Senator, Joe M. Haynes.
Larry’s Country Diner is a unique down-home variety show which integrates entertainment, interviews and music in a weekly format, taped LIVE in front of a studio audience in a country diner setting. The show features regular characters including Black, Keith Bilbrey, Sheriff Jimmy Capps, Waitress Renae and avid church lady, Nadine along with special guest appearances by country music artists of yesterday and today.
Since its initial airing on August 3, 2009, Larry’s Country Diner has produced over 100 episodes and has become one of the most popular shows on RFD television, garnering 1.4 million viewers monthly.
Visit Show WebsiteCheck the schedule below to see when Larry's Country Diner is airing this month.